Diets 12 June 2016

Decrease and Increase Weight Diets

Overweight and obesity are among the most common problems that modern humans are having. Inactive life, mismanagement patterns, and so on have all led to a significant percentage of overweight people. Obesity is the source and cause of many different diseases that can ultimately lead to death. Without exaggeration, we can say that slimming diets of apple diet clinics are among the best and most appropriate weight loss diets that can be noted for many benefits. The privileges of this diet include avoiding starvation, fitting with Iranian culture and the taste and taste of the general public, fixing the ideal weight and preventing obesity.
Diets 12 June 2016

Fast Weight Loss Diets (Prof)

It's very important to find the right way to lose weight, and never go for slimming tablets that you can see everywhere. If you can combine a healthy and fit diet with a workout, then this can be your turning point for the fastest way to lose weight naturally. The first and most important thing to keep in mind is that you should not eat meals or have irregular promises by no means. If you think you do not eat one or two meals and eat a heavy meal on the day it helps, you're wrong. You must also have a realistic aim to reduce your weight and try to reach that goal. Always keep in mind that, to a certain extent, you can squeeze your body with a hard exercise and a balanced and healthy diet.

Probe Aptech Diet Clinic Diets are very effective for people who are overwhelmed.

The important thing about these regimes is that this kind of bad diet does not go away. With these diets, you lose about 6 to 10 kiloules in 40 days without harming your health. These diets are suitable for people who do not have more than 10 kilos. In any case, these diets need to be in person and undergo a Hall of Fame Test.

Diets 12 June 2016

Special Diets based on Temperament

It may be said that temperament is the most important part of understanding traditional medicine. For more information on this issue, please refer to the introduction below:

The difference between people always attracts our attention. Some babies get yellowing and do not get some. Some kids eat well and some do not. Some are lean and somewhat coarse. Some people eat obese without food, and some do not get obese twice as much as eating, some brave and some cowardly. Some people get angry soon Proud of being very patient and calm Some of the generous and promising promises for a rial of accounts and books have some of the power of a high memory and the group is constantly forgetting the material. One has a light sleep and one heavy sleep. One is sharp and energetic, and the other is slow and low energy. There are people who get angry quickly without appetite, and some in this case do not get what they eat, some will get into trouble as soon as they eat a cucumber, and some can get half a kilo of cucumber without discomfort. One gets itchy when eating a bit of cinnamon, and the other does not find any foods that are full of spice and a problem. Some people are eating a date boil. Another meal may eat a date plate and there is no boiling number on their faces. Some people With a little bit of weakness or anxiety, Bella Faa lowers weight, and some are right over and over again with these states of overweight, some dry skin and some skin wet and tender, some regularly trouble your surroundings and make minor issues. Think, but some people easily pass through minor issues. The need to know the secret of these differences and how to cope with them is a proper understanding of the science of theology. The humans believed that man, animal, plant, etc. were all formed from the elements of the element or the main pillar, that is, everything from The impact of these four pillars on the creation of a new quality is created. These four pillars are:

Fire: The nature of the fire is hot and hot. There is no controversy in the warmth of fire. To understand its dryness, it's enough to notice how the impact of the fire on moisture is? You dry when you heat a wet body. The sun dries the ground when it falls to the ground. So they say that the fire is hot and hot.

Air: The nature of the air is warmer and hotter. This air contains vapors and gases. For example, when you heat water, the steam vapor is more energy than the water itself, because we need to use energy to convert it to steam. It is warmer than water.

Water: The nature of water is cooler. The humidity and humidity are clear and the above explanation shows that water is colder than air.

Soil: The nature of the soil is cold and dry. To convert iron ore into a liquid, we must melt it overheating, which means that the soil is cooler and harder than the water. When we heat and dry this soil, it becomes warmer and more fluid, ie liquid.

Generally, every bowl has a name (bile, tail, swell, soda) and a property (hot and hot, hotter chest, cooler and more, chilled water) and an element (fire, air, water, soil).
Relationship and Consolidation and Metabolism

Now, consider that you are aware of the science of nutrition and the modern dietary regimen and metabolism, and you know the temperaments, then you can use the psychological knowledge to some extent to know the physical (individual or component) personality as well as the food. By creating a co-ordinate between food and food, and computing more concentrated metabolism, giving a specific amount of food, to a specific amount at a specific time and for a specific purpose to a particular patient, then you will see the treatment regimen at the same time of great complexity. Will be the result. And that's the compilation we've created. In this way, we see the body as the whole being, in order to obtain a relative equilibrium, is a function of many factors that we, with more knowledge of these factors, direct the body without pressure to the direction we want.
What will be the result of the work

The result of the work is, first and foremost, health - secondarily, the main purpose of the diet (obesity, slimming and ...) and, thirdly, the general balance of the body

And achieving these goals in our treatment regimen is incomparable to conventional calorie-based methods, and we have been and have been doing this for many years and have been around for all angles. We have prominent physiologists in our country who are better than us, as well as well-known nutritionists who are better than us and who have the role of a teacher who we respect to all of them, but we are therefore better off to combine these two sciences with We have gathered together and created an interesting compilation of them. We have been able to translate this tradition into the traditional way of traditional medicine, and translate it into the daily life of the people of Iran and the world according to Race and place of living and their status.

Diets 12 June 2016

Special Diets for Pregnancy and Lactation

Tomorrow will make children today, and the vitality and health of the future community will be realized in the light of the health of children. Embryo development is of particular importance, so that the effect of malnutrition on physical and mental development can not be compensated after this period. Given the crucial role of nutrition in providing health, the necessity of achieving the best and most appropriate The best way of nourishment is well understood in the most sensitive period of a person's life, that is, fetal age and breastfeeding.

Dietary regimens regulated and designed by the staff of the Institute of Food Safety, while considering the problem of controlling the weight and balance of fetal growth, prevention of maternal nutritional deficiencies and complications such as viremia, nausea and vomiting, hypertension, diabetes mellitus Pregnancy, and so on.

During pregnancy, a healthy diet will keep your baby healthy and healthy. In the old days, it was believed that the feeding of a pregnant woman should be twice as much as a woman's normal diet; it is true that the pregnant woman needs more food, but her daily intake should not exceed a certain amount, since excess food intake is not only not beneficial but harmful. Is .

Undoubtedly, one of the greatest wishes of all people is having a healthy and healthy baby. In this regard, the general practitioners try to examine the factors affecting the improvement of the pregnancy process and its outcome, and avoid as much as possible harmful factors. Many changes Due to the pregnancy in the mother's body, many factors contribute to determining the correct course of pregnancy and the outcome of pregnancy. One of the most important points is feeding a pregnant mother.

Because full fetal development is closely related to the mother's nutrition, her nutritional requirements are matched to her mother, and is the only way to meet her energy and structural needs through couples. In addition, the physiological changes of this age should also be considered. Because the metabolism of food and even the need for them changes during this period. The importance and importance of food depends on its type, not on its amount. The amount of daily intake varies and is partly related to woman's height, weight, and appetite. Some pregnant women are afraid that they will try to reduce their normal daily intake if they eat large foods and, on the contrary, Moms do not eat too much to keep their baby low. In the first months of pregnancy, appetite usually decreases, but the desire to eating some foods increases due to vein, resulting in an imbalance in the type and amount of food Consumption occurs, and if the proper diet is not selected for a pregnant woman, the nutritional situation is mixed and various complications occur. Each gets. With the advancement of food for pregnancy, the woman's appetite for a large amount of food, and sometimes even to such an extent that she should be forced to reduce the normal amount of food. The food that the pregnant woman eats after digestion is absorbed and enters the bloodstream and Then it is used by the body and the embryo. In the daily diet, in addition to sugar, fat, and starch that generates heat and energy, there are other ingredients, such as vitamins and minerals, that are very useful for the functioning of the body's cells and cause their lack of body anxiety. Calcium is one It is one of the most important minerals that is very important for protein synthesis for the formation of bone marrow. Minerals and vitamins are abundant in a variety of vegetables and fruits, but since these do not provide women with the needs of pregnancy, pregnant mothers should use the ingredients in addition to what they need for their own body. The needs of the fetus are overcome.

The daily intake of pregnant women in terms of importance and nutritional value is divided into seven groups:

Group 1: Includes milk and milk compound. Milk is considered as the most complete and healthy natural food for the following reasons

  1. A large amount of different minerals, such as calcium and phosphorus, is needed to form bones and teeth of the baby.
  2. An excellent source of protein that is easily digested and absorbed and used to make body tissues.
  3. It has a large amount of different vitamins, such as vitamin A, which is essential for the development of the fetus, as well as vitamin B.

Daily milk intake is one liter or two units per day, which can be either plain, cold or hot or mixed with cocoa. Milk pasteurized milk is much better.

A group of pregnant women is reluctant to eat fat because of fear of being overweight. Certainly, the amount of fat in the milk is not high, especially if the milk alone wants to take the usual food, calories are needed for body fat, and the woman is lean. In fact, the woman's obesity is related to other starchy and sugar that comes with milk Are consumed.

The best substitutes are milk, cheese and yogurt. All cheese has a high concentration of milk, with the exception of sugar content, and therefore it is advisable to consume it with sugar. Yogurt, especially in summer, is very pleasant and has a lot of food like milk.

Group 2: Includes green and yellow vegetables such as spinach, lettuce, beans, lentils, peas, green and red peppers, cabbage, horseradish, carrots, pumpkin and potatoes.

Among these vegetables, cabbage and spinach are superior to other types due to their high levels of iron and vitamin. All these vegetables, which are rich in vitamins A and minerals, are raw, salad or cooked, but care should be taken to heat them for a short time and in low water, so that they are not cooked too much and the existing vitamins They do not get lost in heat. The water that comes from cooking vegetables because it contains a lot of vitamins and minerals should not be discarded and it is better to eat with soup.

Third group: includes vegetables such as raw cabbage, tomatoes and fresh and citrus fruits.

These substances that contain vitamin C should be taken twice or more daily. This vitamin is found in abundance in oranges, lemons and vegetables, and in tomatoes and finally in raw cabbage. During pregnancy, the body's need for vitamin D is doubled, so pregnant women should consume more fruits and vegetables.

Some aesthetics believe that the delicacy of the skin, the smooth appearance and the beautiful face is associated with food, which is more than fresh and fresh fruits and vegetables.

Group 4: Includes meat, chicken, fish and eggs.

These protein substances should be consumed during pregnancy in order to grow the fetus, the placenta, the uterus, and the increase in the blood volume of the mother.

One or two eggs are good food for pregnant women every morning, because egg yolks contain large amounts of iron, vitamins and body tissue. Iron is one of the elements necessary for the formation of hemoglobin, or the main substance of the red blood cell, and in fact, it is a substance that causes redness of the blood, and those who have low iron levels are less likely to become bleeding due to hemoglobin deficiency and appear pale. . In the last months of pregnancy, mothers transport large quantities of iron that they absorb through food into their abdomen, resulting in a relatively large proportion of them suffering from anemia due to lack of iron absorption. The fetus, on the other hand, stores a large amount of iron in its liver, so it can use the iron storage for a few months after it's only fed with milk to help its body recover.

In the past, eating meat was considered harmful to pregnant women, which is why anemia and other diseases were found to be abundant in the body due to protein deficiency.

Today, most doctors believe that the balanced amount of meat in daily food is not only not detrimental but also useful. Beef, calf and sheep can be used as barbecue or cooked food according to personal taste and taste. Salmon is also a nutritious and nutritious food, provided it is not salty. Liver in the form of barbecue or half-baked

It is useful once a week in your diet because in addition to nutritional value, due to the presence of minerals and elements such as iron and copper that are used in the formation of blood, there is a significant amount of different vitamins, which for the whole to prevent and treat Anemia is beneficial.

Group 5: includes bread, wheat germ and legumes.

Bread of wheat flour and its skin is brownish-yellow and has a high nutritional value and high vitamin content, but it is less nutritious than white flour because the amount of iron and vitamins in wheat Different types of group B and E are found.

A little vitamin B in the human body causes nausea and vomiting, low appetite, and nausea and digestive disturbances. During pregnancy, the body needs more vitamin.

According to many physicians, vitamin B and E deficiency in the first half of pregnancy causes abortion and in the second half of pregnancy, the baby is well-being. Therefore, it is necessary to use breads such as barley, black bread or whole grated biscuits in addition to white bread.

Rolls grown today with machine mills do not have enough vitamins and so their nutritional value is less, but the flour that was produced in the old days by Sigio mills, because it included the outer and outer parts of wheat, had a higher vitamin content and therefore was more intense .

Group 6: Includes potatoes and varieties of vegetable such as lettuce, cauliflower, corn, cucumber, mushrooms, onions, horseradish, squash, eggplant, rhubarb, squash, and finally all kinds of fruits.

This category of vegetables is due to the high nutritional value of sugars and, in addition, a large amount of different vitamins.

Seventh Group: Includes oily materials, varieties of vegetable butter and animal butter.

Butter is consumed with high levels of fat and flavor, especially if it comes with bread, because it produces high levels of energy, and on the other hand, it also contains a lot of vitamins.

When your body's weight exceeds the normal level during pregnancy, you should avoid eating too much fat, because in addition to digestion and absorption of excess fat, the body also stores an excess amount of fat. And this causes excessive obesity. So taking fats during pregnancy should be done with caution.

Pregnant women's daily diet

  1. Milk half a day to 1 liter
  2. About 200 grams of cheese
  3. Common meat, chicken, fish, eggs and black liver a week (one serving or more)
  4. Green leafy vegetables or yellow veggies (one serving or more)
  5. Potatoes, varieties of vegetables, citrus fruits and seasonal fruits, tomatoes, raw cabbage (two servings or more)
  6. Some butter per meal
  7. Rice and all kinds of legumes at moderate levels in a meal
  8. Chopped whole grains a slice at each meal
  9. Fresh juices like oranges, apples, pomegranates and grapes
  10. Ferrous sulfate
  11. Mineral water two cups a day, white tea three times a day

Vitamin (d):

One of the most important vitamins needed during pregnancy is because of the ability of the human body to remove calcium and phosphorus from the outside and turn it into bone. The bone and tooth structure in the uterus requires calcium and therefore, this vitamin is needed to absorb calcium.

Vitamin D is found to be high in fish oil, and in addition, sunlight is a natural and very good source of vitamin D in the body because if you get exposed to sunlight for a long time, some of the fats under the skin become vitamin. And so when the sun is low in the winter and in some countries that do not have high sunlight, it is necessary to prescribe fish oil or vitamin D for pregnant women in the second half of pregnancy.

Food Avoidance During Pregnancy:

As long as you have enough appetite for food and during pregnancy without discomfort, you usually do not need to avoid it and you can eat whatever food you like, but you should always keep two points in mind.

  1. Stop eating too much fatty and heavy digestion foods such as fried foods, fresh and creamy sweets, smoked fish and many other vegetables. Because the stomach and other parts of the digestive tract are due to pressure on your uterus, which should and maybe digested and Do not absorb foods and may get dysentery.
  2. Avoid eating salty food because the salt is excreted through the kidneys after it enters the bloodstream, and since it is not easy to remove salt during pregnancy, a large amount of it will accumulate in various tissues of the body and bring water to It takes itself and thus causes various parts of the body to swell. As the amount of food intake increases, body weight is also increased due to swelling of the hands and feet.

As long as signs of pregnancy poisoning, such as high blood pressure, severe body and eye swelling in the urine, do not require a hard diet, but if one of these symptoms is detected, a low salt or salt free diet will be needed.

Keep in mind that a low-salt diet is not the same as reducing the amount of salt you add to your diet, but you should avoid eating salty foods such as sausages, smoked fish, salty meal, salty cucumbers and nuts. For your food to have a good taste, you can use some salt salts that are salty but do not have the salts of food you eat. With a low salt diet, body weight is reduced, and members' swelling is also eliminated. If these symptoms are not resolved, taking medicines that increase urine will release large amounts of salt from the body and lower body weight. To come


Fatty and fried foods, along with difficult digestion, cause excessive obesity. Therefore, when your body weight is larger than normal, your diet should be low in fat. Obesity related to the storage of fat in the body after delivery is difficult to quench and it sometimes takes a long time to reduce body weight.


In summer, the daily water intake increases due to the warmth of the air and sweating and so it does not harm excessive fluids, but when the weather is warm, 4 to 5 glasses of water per day are enough. You should not overestimate water and fluid in cases of swelling and / or sudden increase in body mass.

Juice, non-alcoholic beverages and dough are considered as good liquids. Consumption of tea and coffee is not harmful if it is not higher than usual.

Weight gain during pregnancy:

In the first trimester of pregnancy, body weight remains constant and sometimes even slightly reduced by 1, but from three months later, body weight gradually increases so that after six months, about 500 grams per week are added to the original weight. To be The total body weight increases by an average of 6 to 10 kilograms throughout the pregnancy. Therefore, if the body weight of 500 grams per week or a total of 10 kg throughout pregnancy exceeds a low salt diet, there should be no symptoms of pregnancy poisoning.

The numbers indicate the cause of weight gain during pregnancy

  1. Baby weight 3500 g
  2. Weight of pair 500 g
  3. The liquid inside the bag packs 600 grams
  4. Overweight is 900 gr
  5. Add 500 g blood volume
  6. Overweight breast 700 g

And the remainder is due to the accumulation of fat and a lot of water in the tissues of the body. Weight gain of up to 12 kilograms is almost normal, but it is also more harmful because it may lead to various complications such as back pain due to pressure on the spine, varice and leg pain due to pressure on the lower limb veins, resulting in the mother After delivery, the fat remains in the body due to the accumulation of fat in the body.

Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to these changes and to establish a proper diet plan during this period. Each pregnant woman should provide her food needs from all food groups. Here we briefly talk about each group.


Pregnant women provide almost the most need for this group. Of course, it is noteworthy that we need to differentiate between need and elimination. Each woman needs 300 kcal per day during pregnancy. If energy is not enough, the protein instead of its vital role in growth and development. Stored as a source of energy. The foods in this group have high levels of carbohydrates, which are the primary source of energy.


The legumes are a good source of protein that builds body tissues for the mother and the baby. During the last 6 months, about one kilogram of protein is stored by the mother. Of course, the major part of the protein is from animal sources such as meat and poultry. Many of the riches are rich in iron and vitamin B.

The need for iron during pregnancy is high, and since iron need in the first four months of pregnancy is low, iron supplementation is not necessary during this period, but after that, iron supplementation should be used in addition to dieting.

the vegetables:

Vegetables can provide a large amount of vitamins such as A and C, and minerals and fiber. One of the problems of pregnant women during pregnancy is constipation, which is a problem with the consumption of herbs. The need for vitamin C during pregnancy is seventy percent higher than that of non-pregnancy, which is a good regular diet that easily gives the mother this amount.

Cabbage, legumes, potatoes, spinach, green grains and tomatoes are rich in vitamin C and help to absorb iron in foods. Our body stores vitamins "C", and with the right nutrition, this vitamin can be easily prepared. Dark green and dark yellow vegetables such as carrots or lardak, potatoes, green peppers and broccoli are rich in vitamin A, which are essential for the growth and health of the mother and the baby.


Fruits like oranges, grapefruits, mandarins, lemons and grapes are a great source of vitamin C. Each pregnant woman can use this group several times a day and meet her needs for vitamins such as A and C. For example, take juice or fresh fruit with breakfast or between meals, fresh or dried fruit or fruit salad with lunch and fruit compote for dessert and dinner.


Protein, a maternal essential ingredient for its mother and her baby, is clearly in this group. The only vitamin that is present in this group is vitamin B 12. In mothers who are vegetarian, their vitamin B12 stores are low in their infants. It is also important to consume meat for the removal of anemia and supply of iron to the body. This group is among the main food groups for pregnant mothers to be included in their meals.

Milk and Yogurt:

Dairy products meet a high level of nutritional requirements, especially calcium and protein in this material. During pregnancy, about 30 grams of calcium accumulates in the mother, most of which are stored in the fetus at the end of pregnancy.

Calcium is the main ingredient in bone and tooth formation. If the intake of calcium is insufficient, the fetus uses calcium from the mother's bones, which causes the mother to have osteoporosis or osteoporosis in the future.

Any pregnant woman should try to take at least a glass of milk a day. If the mother is not satisfied with the taste of milk, it should be accepted by adding such ingredients as cacao and the like, or adding it in soup or cheese grate Or salad or any other way to eat it.

Diets 12 June 2016

Child and Adolescent Special Diets

Nowadays, science has fully proved that how much baby nutrition in infancy and infancy can affect the mental health of the child in adulthood, but unfortunately this issue is completely hidden from the evidence, and the reason is that rarely find people. Parallel to identifying a pediatrician for their child, they also identify a nutritionist for their child. Our specialists have been able to design and deliver special programs that will make you comfortable with your physical health, growth and nutritional deficiencies, taking into account all aspects of this era. Certainly you can with this sense of trust during the first month Feel the difference between our programs and what you have seen and heard so far. We will draw your attention to useful explanation sections on this subject.

The stages of natural development and development of the child

One of the obvious changes in the first year of life is the physical growth of the baby. The first year of life is the time of astonishing changes in which babies grow 25 centimeters in length, and their weight is tripled by birth.

After the first year of the baby, it will not grow so fast, and this is normal. Below are some important points about how much your child's amount and growth rate should be:

  • Just do not think about weight gain: In the first or the first few weeks after the birth of the baby, 10% of his weight falls. But again, this very soon regains the lost weight. For this reason, pediatricians expect that the baby's weight will double to 4 months of age and triple their weight until their first birth.

  • The growth table is a good start: your baby's doctor examines her growth on the height and weight chart. At each examination, his growth curve should be upward and should not have a sudden jump at one visit (for example, from the 10th percentile to the 50th percentile).

  • Genes also play a role: while percentiles of height and weight are usually in the same domain, genetics plays a large role. If your father or you are tall, it is not surprising that your baby's height is at the top of the ninety and his weight is at 50 percentile.

  • The birth weight of a baby depends on several factors, including:

    1. The length of the pregnancy: the baby is more likely to be born at the end of the nine months, it is more weight. The baby's weight is the highest during the last 3 months of pregnancy.

    2. Parental size Parent: If the parents are unusually large or small, the baby may be larger or smaller than usual.

    3. Complications during pregnancy: If your mother's high blood pressure or other illnesses during pregnancy, the baby may have a birth weight less than usual, and on the contrary, if the mother is pregnant with diabetes, the baby He may be more likely to be born than other infants.

    4. Nutrition during pregnancy: If an embryo in the uterus is not well fed due to inadequate breastfeeding or maternal illness during pregnancy, it will be born less than normal in normal condition.

    5. Smoking or drinking alcohol or other unwanted drugs during pregnancy by the mother: If the mother is addicted to taking any of these substances during pregnancy, the baby will have less than normal birth weight.

      Some babies who are bigger or smaller than normal may have problems coping with ectopic pregnancy. For the neonatal physician to find out that the baby's birth weight is less or more than normal, it uses a growth curve and controls the child's growth using the growth curve.

      At the time of discharge from the hospital, the mother sends her birth control card. In this card, the size, height, and head circumference of the head of the baby are marked in the growth curve. Each time you take the baby to a pediatrician, you must accompany your pediatric card so that the physician will measure at each clinical examination, height, weight, and circumference of the baby and chart it in the growth curve card.

  • Monitor child growth

    Regular child weights, growth curves, and timely and necessary measures to improve the child's growth status are monitored growth.

    This is the easiest way to find out how to grow and, in fact, assess the health of the child. The World Health Organization recommends that the weight of children measured up to 36 months of age every month and their growth rate be assessed. In our country, children are usually weighed once a year in the first year of every two months, in the second year of life every two months once in the third year.

    The importance of monitoring growth

    Growth monitoring is the best way to find out about the nutritional adequacy of a child and the best way to ensure that he or she is healthy and healthy. Any deviation occurs in the child's growth status, since it is diagnosed very soon, it can be corrected faster and prevented from continuing.

  • Growth Monitoring Card

    To monitor growth, you need to use a growth tracking card, which is in fact the mirror of the child's health and the basis of care for her growth. The Growth Monitoring Card has at least three curve lines for reference and horizontal and vertical lines, the horizontal lines related to the child's age and the moon, and the vertical lines related to the child's weight and kilograms.

    At each first visit, the child is weighted accurately, then his exact age is determined by the moon on the horizontal line and his weight on the vertical axis, then the vertical line crosses from the child's age point to the line The horizontal point from the point of its weight into the curve comes from the point recorded in the growth tracking card. While referring frequently to the times mentioned above and connecting these points on the card, the child's growth curve is drawn.

    At the same time as measuring the weight and drawing the curve, it is necessary to measure the height and length of the child's head, and plotting on the corresponding curve and the curve of the two.

  • Natural growth

    The natural growth curve should be continuously parallel to one of the growth card lines of the card and proceed in the direction of the child's own curve, along the low curve and curve of the growth card. It is worth noting that the curve is not always perfectly flat and may be accompanied by slight variations.

  • Deviation from natural growth

    Deviations from natural growth include:

    1. Grow or lack of proper weight gain during a specified period: The weight gain of these children is slower than normal, that is, while the child's growth curve is rising but its tilt is milder than the reference curve, it is a warning sign that needs care It is special.

    2. Stopping or stopping growth does not increase in these children for some time, which requires careful monitoring and early follow-up.

    3. The child's growth curve is slowing down. Indicating the slowdown, which may be sudden or gradual, requires immediate follow-up.

    4. Overweight: Weight gain is more than normal. This phenomenon is due to excessive nutrition and should be investigated if it persists.

Diets 12 June 2016

Metabolic Diets

Metabolic syndrome generally means that there is a group of risk factors for the development of cardiovascular disease and diabetes. These risk factors include abdominal obesity, increased fat around the abdomen, disturbances in the amount of fats, cholesterol and deposits in the inner walls of the arteries, high blood pressure, insulin resistance, or intolerance to sugar, the field of blood clotting, and the cause of inflammation. The prevalence of this syndrome has increased in recent years, and it has been estimated that about 20 to 30 percent of adults and adults develop this disorder. Measures that can reduce the outcomes of metabolic syndrome include modifying life patterns, maintaining healthy and healthy weight, improving dietary habits, increasing physical activity, and treating insulin problems. Of course, some people are genetically predisposed to insulin resistance. In these individuals, acquired agents such as increased body fat and physical inactivity can lead to insulin resistance and the development of metabolic syndrome. Most people with insulin resistance are also afflicted with abdominal obesity. Symptoms of metabolic syndrome mean that my time is more than 3 associated with metabolic disorders (at least three out of four); these are:

  • Obesity, especially abdominal obesity (obesity)
  • Increased systolic blood pressure (larger number) above 140 mmHg or diastolic pressure (smaller number) greater than 90 mmHg.
  • Increased levels of triglycerides and low levels of good cholesterol or HDL (high density lipoprotein) in the blood.
  • Insulin resistance. Insulin is a hormone that helps regulate blood sugar levels.

Having a component of the metabolic syndrome means that there is a risk of other components of the syndrome. The more you get the more components of the metabolic syndrome, the more healthier you are at risk. Some of the accompanying illnesses are fatty liver, hyperuricemia, polycystic ovary syndrome, neigentic acanthosis, and erectile dysfunction in men. Blood pressure, diabetes, and increased blood lipids. As coronary arteries become obstructed, other vessels in the body, including the neck and organs, are also blocked, which affects the leg and foot, causes pain in the limbs and strokes.

Clinical support time

If you are aware of the presence of a component of the metabolic syndrome, components such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or obese obesity, you probably have other components and you are unaware of. It is best to meet your doctor in this situation. Ask him if there is no need to test other components of the metabolic syndrome and what can be done to prevent the occurrence of serious and dangerous diseases?

Causes of illness

Metabolic syndrome is associated with the metabolism of the body and also under conditions known as insulin resistance. Naturally, the gastrointestinal tract and the liver decompose foods into glucose (glucose). Your body's blood transmits these sugars to the tissues of the body, where the cells use them as fuel. Insulin glucose enters the cells of the body. In people with insulin resistance, cells do not respond normally to insulin, and glucose can not easily enter the cells. In this case, the body's response is to secrete more and more insulin to help glucose enter the cells; therefore, insulin levels in the blood will be high. Ultimately, when the body is unable to make enough insulin to control its blood glucose, it will not develop normally. Diabetes will develop even if the levels of blood glucose are not high enough to be considered diabetes. Increased levels of harmful glucose are. Doctors call these "pre-diabetes" or pre-diabetes stages. Increased levels of saline also increase levels of triglycerides and other lipids. These conditions also interfere with how the kidneys function, leading to high blood pressure. These effects of insulin resistance pose an individual at risk for heart disease, stroke, diabetes and other diseases. The combination of genetic and environmental factors is the cause of insulin resistance. Some people are genetically predisposed to insulin resistance and inherit this talent from their parents. Of the environmental factors, obesity and inertia are the main causes of the metabolic syndrome.

Risk factors for developing a metabolic syndrome

Age: The risk of metabolic syndrome increases with age. The syndrome affects less than 10% of people at the age of 20-30, while it affects 40% of people over the age of 60.

Race: Spaniards are more susceptible to metabolic syndrome than other races in Europe and Asia.

Obesity: Body mass index greater than 25 increases the risk of developing a metabolic syndrome. Body Mass Index ( BMI) is a measure of body fat percentage that is calculated based on weight and height. Also, people with abdominal obesity or obesity are more likely to develop metabolic syndrome than those with pear-shaped obesity.

Having a history of diabetes: If you have a family history of type 2 diabetes or have a history of diabetes during pregnancy, the risk of developing a metabolic syndrome increases.

Other Diseases: High blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, or polycystic ovary syndrome also increase the risk of developing metabolic syndrome. It should be noted that polycystic ovary syndrome is a type of metabolic disorder whose root is insulin resistance and is associated with disorders of female hormones and reproductive system.


The metabolic syndrome leads to the development of the following diseases and diseases:

Diabetes: If you do not change your diet to control your insulin resistance, your blood glucose levels will continue to increase. As a result of developing a metabolic syndrome, you will get diabetes in the future, even if you are not initially diabetic.

Cardiovascular disease: High cholesterol and high blood pressure result in gradual increase of plaque in vascular walls. These plaques result in a narrowing of the vessels that ultimately lead to a heart attack or stroke.

Diagnostic tests

If you have more than three symptoms associated with this syndrome, your doctor will diagnose your metabolic syndrome. Different organizations and associations have metrics to diagnose metabolic syndrome. Based on the classification of the American Heart Association according to the guidelines, if you have more than 3 characteristics below, a person with metabolic syndrome:

  1. Waist circumference more than 88 cm for women and 102 cm for men. Some risk factors, such as having a family history, diabetes, or an Asian race, also lower this risk; the risk factors mentioned increase the risk of insulin resistance. If one has a risk factor, the waist circumference is reduced to 79 to 89 centimeters for women and 94 to 99 centimeters for men.
  2. Blood triglyceride levels greater than 150 mg / dL or higher than 1.7 mg / L or treated with high triglyceride lowering drugs.
  3. HDL or good cholesterol below 40 mg / dL in men and below 50 mg / dL in women or receiving medication to lower HDL .
  4. Systolic blood pressure greater than 120 mm Hg and diastolic blood pressure greater than 80 mm Hg or receiving medication for treating hypertension.
  5. Increased levels of blood glucose are higher than 100 mg / dL or receiving medical treatment to treat high blood sugar.

Treatment through lifestyle changes

It is difficult to control all the risk factors of the metabolic syndrome, but it can be improved by changing lifestyle and, in some cases, by medication, to improve the components of this syndrome. Having daily physical activity, weight loss and smoking cessation are changes that can help lower your blood pressure and balance your blood sugar and fat levels. These changes are ways to reduce the risk of metabolic syndrome.

  1. physical activity

    Physicians recommend 30 to 60 minutes of moderate daily physical activity. For example, you can have a steep hike. At the start of exercise and physical activity, you should be aware of the extent and severity with your doctor. The ideal imaginable to carry out heavy exercise in a person who has been without mobility for many years is in addition to being unreasonable and ineffective, but can have irreparable complications. Another point in the amount of physical activity is that it may be necessary to increase the physical activity time to at least one hour per day in order to change the weight, as well as those who have taken many years of U.S. regimens.

  2. Weight Loss

    By reducing even 5 to 10 percent of body weight, insulin levels and blood pressure decrease, and the risk of diabetes is also reduced. If you are suffering from excessive weight gain and dozens of kilograms of your optimum weight, even reducing 5-10% of body weight helps lower insulin levels and blood pressure and reduce the risk of diabetes. .

  3. healthy diet

    The recommended diet for controlling high blood pressure and mediterranean diets, as well as many other healthy diets, in addition to weight loss, adds many other benefits to your health. These diets focus on the consumption of whole fruits and vegetables, whole fish and whole grains, and their consumption of unhealthy fats is limited. Before you start a diet, talk to your doctor about starting a healthy diet. It is advisable to eat good foods and prepare grains, legumes, fruits and vegetables always in your food basket. These foods are rich in fiber, resulting in lower levels of insulin.

  4. Quit Smoking

    Smoking increases insulin resistance and increases the consequences of metabolic syndrome. Get help from your doctor about quitting smoking. As stated, smoking increases insulin resistance and leads to worsening complications of metabolic syndrome. Contrary to the perception of many people who think that cigarette is slimming, but even in lean subjects, it also increases the incidence of abdominal obesity and insulin resistance; in addition, it can lead to obesity in the long run; therefore, to quit smoking Get

You need to consult with your doctor and monitor their changes, so that you can be sure that lifestyle changes have been effective in order to be able to control weight loss, blood sugar levels, blood cholesterol and blood pressure. If you can not achieve the goal of improving your metabolic syndrome through your lifestyle and changing habits, your doctor will use the medication to lower your blood pressure, blood cholesterol and weight.


In either case, the presence or absence of components of the metabolic syndrome reduces the following changes in lifestyle, risk of heart disease, diabetes and stroke: start a healthy diet. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables. Instead of consuming red meat, prefer the use of low-fat white meat or fish. Avoid consuming processed foods or high fat and fried foods. Remove the salt from the table and instead use vegetables or other spices as a food flavor. Mobility. Have moderate levels of daily physical activity. Have regular check-ups. At regular intervals, check blood pressure, blood glucose levels and blood lipids. If any of them are abnormal, you need to make some changes to your lifestyle and actually have to adjust your lifestyle.

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