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Metabolic Diets

Metabolic Diets

Metabolic syndrome generally means that there is a group of risk factors for the development of cardiovascular disease and diabetes. These risk factors include abdominal obesity, increased fat around the abdomen, disturbances in the amount of fats, cholesterol and deposits in the inner walls of the arteries, high blood pressure, insulin resistance, or intolerance to sugar, the field of blood clotting, and the cause of inflammation. The prevalence of this syndrome has increased in recent years, and it has been estimated that about 20 to 30 percent of adults and adults develop this disorder. Measures that can reduce the outcomes of metabolic syndrome include modifying life patterns, maintaining healthy and healthy weight, improving dietary habits, increasing physical activity, and treating insulin problems. Of course, some people are genetically predisposed to insulin resistance. In these individuals, acquired agents such as increased body fat and physical inactivity can lead to insulin resistance and the development of metabolic syndrome. Most people with insulin resistance are also afflicted with abdominal obesity. Symptoms of metabolic syndrome mean that my time is more than 3 associated with metabolic disorders (at least three out of four); these are:

  • Obesity, especially abdominal obesity (obesity)
  • Increased systolic blood pressure (larger number) above 140 mmHg or diastolic pressure (smaller number) greater than 90 mmHg.
  • Increased levels of triglycerides and low levels of good cholesterol or HDL (high density lipoprotein) in the blood.
  • Insulin resistance. Insulin is a hormone that helps regulate blood sugar levels.

Having a component of the metabolic syndrome means that there is a risk of other components of the syndrome. The more you get the more components of the metabolic syndrome, the more healthier you are at risk. Some of the accompanying illnesses are fatty liver, hyperuricemia, polycystic ovary syndrome, neigentic acanthosis, and erectile dysfunction in men. Blood pressure, diabetes, and increased blood lipids. As coronary arteries become obstructed, other vessels in the body, including the neck and organs, are also blocked, which affects the leg and foot, causes pain in the limbs and strokes.

Clinical support time

If you are aware of the presence of a component of the metabolic syndrome, components such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or obese obesity, you probably have other components and you are unaware of. It is best to meet your doctor in this situation. Ask him if there is no need to test other components of the metabolic syndrome and what can be done to prevent the occurrence of serious and dangerous diseases?

Causes of illness

Metabolic syndrome is associated with the metabolism of the body and also under conditions known as insulin resistance. Naturally, the gastrointestinal tract and the liver decompose foods into glucose (glucose). Your body's blood transmits these sugars to the tissues of the body, where the cells use them as fuel. Insulin glucose enters the cells of the body. In people with insulin resistance, cells do not respond normally to insulin, and glucose can not easily enter the cells. In this case, the body's response is to secrete more and more insulin to help glucose enter the cells; therefore, insulin levels in the blood will be high. Ultimately, when the body is unable to make enough insulin to control its blood glucose, it will not develop normally. Diabetes will develop even if the levels of blood glucose are not high enough to be considered diabetes. Increased levels of harmful glucose are. Doctors call these "pre-diabetes" or pre-diabetes stages. Increased levels of saline also increase levels of triglycerides and other lipids. These conditions also interfere with how the kidneys function, leading to high blood pressure. These effects of insulin resistance pose an individual at risk for heart disease, stroke, diabetes and other diseases. The combination of genetic and environmental factors is the cause of insulin resistance. Some people are genetically predisposed to insulin resistance and inherit this talent from their parents. Of the environmental factors, obesity and inertia are the main causes of the metabolic syndrome.

Risk factors for developing a metabolic syndrome

Age: The risk of metabolic syndrome increases with age. The syndrome affects less than 10% of people at the age of 20-30, while it affects 40% of people over the age of 60.

Race: Spaniards are more susceptible to metabolic syndrome than other races in Europe and Asia.

Obesity: Body mass index greater than 25 increases the risk of developing a metabolic syndrome. Body Mass Index ( BMI) is a measure of body fat percentage that is calculated based on weight and height. Also, people with abdominal obesity or obesity are more likely to develop metabolic syndrome than those with pear-shaped obesity.

Having a history of diabetes: If you have a family history of type 2 diabetes or have a history of diabetes during pregnancy, the risk of developing a metabolic syndrome increases.

Other Diseases: High blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, or polycystic ovary syndrome also increase the risk of developing metabolic syndrome. It should be noted that polycystic ovary syndrome is a type of metabolic disorder whose root is insulin resistance and is associated with disorders of female hormones and reproductive system.


The metabolic syndrome leads to the development of the following diseases and diseases:

Diabetes: If you do not change your diet to control your insulin resistance, your blood glucose levels will continue to increase. As a result of developing a metabolic syndrome, you will get diabetes in the future, even if you are not initially diabetic.

Cardiovascular disease: High cholesterol and high blood pressure result in gradual increase of plaque in vascular walls. These plaques result in a narrowing of the vessels that ultimately lead to a heart attack or stroke.

Diagnostic tests

If you have more than three symptoms associated with this syndrome, your doctor will diagnose your metabolic syndrome. Different organizations and associations have metrics to diagnose metabolic syndrome. Based on the classification of the American Heart Association according to the guidelines, if you have more than 3 characteristics below, a person with metabolic syndrome:

  1. Waist circumference more than 88 cm for women and 102 cm for men. Some risk factors, such as having a family history, diabetes, or an Asian race, also lower this risk; the risk factors mentioned increase the risk of insulin resistance. If one has a risk factor, the waist circumference is reduced to 79 to 89 centimeters for women and 94 to 99 centimeters for men.
  2. Blood triglyceride levels greater than 150 mg / dL or higher than 1.7 mg / L or treated with high triglyceride lowering drugs.
  3. HDL or good cholesterol below 40 mg / dL in men and below 50 mg / dL in women or receiving medication to lower HDL .
  4. Systolic blood pressure greater than 120 mm Hg and diastolic blood pressure greater than 80 mm Hg or receiving medication for treating hypertension.
  5. Increased levels of blood glucose are higher than 100 mg / dL or receiving medical treatment to treat high blood sugar.

Treatment through lifestyle changes

It is difficult to control all the risk factors of the metabolic syndrome, but it can be improved by changing lifestyle and, in some cases, by medication, to improve the components of this syndrome. Having daily physical activity, weight loss and smoking cessation are changes that can help lower your blood pressure and balance your blood sugar and fat levels. These changes are ways to reduce the risk of metabolic syndrome.

  1. physical activity

    Physicians recommend 30 to 60 minutes of moderate daily physical activity. For example, you can have a steep hike. At the start of exercise and physical activity, you should be aware of the extent and severity with your doctor. The ideal imaginable to carry out heavy exercise in a person who has been without mobility for many years is in addition to being unreasonable and ineffective, but can have irreparable complications. Another point in the amount of physical activity is that it may be necessary to increase the physical activity time to at least one hour per day in order to change the weight, as well as those who have taken many years of U.S. regimens.

  2. Weight Loss

    By reducing even 5 to 10 percent of body weight, insulin levels and blood pressure decrease, and the risk of diabetes is also reduced. If you are suffering from excessive weight gain and dozens of kilograms of your optimum weight, even reducing 5-10% of body weight helps lower insulin levels and blood pressure and reduce the risk of diabetes. .

  3. healthy diet

    The recommended diet for controlling high blood pressure and mediterranean diets, as well as many other healthy diets, in addition to weight loss, adds many other benefits to your health. These diets focus on the consumption of whole fruits and vegetables, whole fish and whole grains, and their consumption of unhealthy fats is limited. Before you start a diet, talk to your doctor about starting a healthy diet. It is advisable to eat good foods and prepare grains, legumes, fruits and vegetables always in your food basket. These foods are rich in fiber, resulting in lower levels of insulin.

  4. Quit Smoking

    Smoking increases insulin resistance and increases the consequences of metabolic syndrome. Get help from your doctor about quitting smoking. As stated, smoking increases insulin resistance and leads to worsening complications of metabolic syndrome. Contrary to the perception of many people who think that cigarette is slimming, but even in lean subjects, it also increases the incidence of abdominal obesity and insulin resistance; in addition, it can lead to obesity in the long run; therefore, to quit smoking Get

You need to consult with your doctor and monitor their changes, so that you can be sure that lifestyle changes have been effective in order to be able to control weight loss, blood sugar levels, blood cholesterol and blood pressure. If you can not achieve the goal of improving your metabolic syndrome through your lifestyle and changing habits, your doctor will use the medication to lower your blood pressure, blood cholesterol and weight.


In either case, the presence or absence of components of the metabolic syndrome reduces the following changes in lifestyle, risk of heart disease, diabetes and stroke: start a healthy diet. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables. Instead of consuming red meat, prefer the use of low-fat white meat or fish. Avoid consuming processed foods or high fat and fried foods. Remove the salt from the table and instead use vegetables or other spices as a food flavor. Mobility. Have moderate levels of daily physical activity. Have regular check-ups. At regular intervals, check blood pressure, blood glucose levels and blood lipids. If any of them are abnormal, you need to make some changes to your lifestyle and actually have to adjust your lifestyle.